Si vis pacem, para bellum - Ad utrumque paratus - Aequitas sequitur legum - Omnium rerum principia parva sunt - Per aspera ad astra - nemo est supra leges - Faber est suae quisque fortunae -Insanes numquam moriuntur - Cum insantientibus fuere necesse est
tomahawkgod's Articles In Politics
January 28, 2004 by tomahawkgod
I am not an average Joe. Sometimes I wish I was, so I'd be free to just worry about work and stuff. No, I'm cursed with above average intelligence which means, at least for me, that I pay attention to big picture politics. And alot of my interests are driven by 21 years active duty in the US Navy. I am NOT a rabid lockstep Conservative Republican. In fact, I think many people would be surprised at how many of us in the Military are NOT rabid lockstep Conservative Republicans. I think many people...
January 30, 2004 by tomahawkgod
Well, my blog got read on another site and someone didn't believe what I said about how restricted we (Active duty) are. So.....I had to rub noses in it. Posted the below there (why not here too?). Now, I want you all to understand that I do not necessarily disagree with the title 10 laws about this subject. I merely use this issue to illustrate how we (the military) have some restrictions placed on us, and how they, cumulatively, are inequities. I am MUCH more upset about concurrent r...